For those of you who are active investors may have either made a lot of money in the past few years or got the confidence hammered right out of you. Looking for the silver lining has always been a tedious time consuming task of reading spreadsheets and earning reports until the silver lining was..well silver...
It doesn't matter if you're going away for a year or a week, you usually need about the same amount of stuff. Here are some must haves and some luxuries that you should consider packing before departure...
Hanging out in Florida taking in the sun relaxing and reading, I let my impulses get the best of me, and thank god!....
"Gary your stuck in dream world, when will you snap back in reality, when will you stop the party and do something with yourself"......
You didn't think I just relaxed did you? Well actually up until a week ago i did. Now i crochet'. I know, I know crocheting is for girls and old maids. Well call me Grandma , because i like it.......
Some people may look at a.d.d. as a curse, but for me it's one of the most powerful tools you should use and not suppress....
As a child you may remember asking yourself "what do i want to be when i grow up?". Well when are we going to grow up because i think 90% of adults still ask themselves this question.......
This has always been a strong belief of mine, from the way i dress to the way i invest.
The fact is 5% of the population owns and controls 95% of the world. This shouldn't go in one ear and out the other. Whether you want that special girl to notice you, or that interview to be successful you need to think outside the box. That kid in the bar with the funny hat and all the girls is no accident.... OK, SO YOU'VE DECIDED TO GO TRAVELING FOR FOR A FEW MONTHS. YOU HAVE AN APARTMENT LINED UP , LANGUAGE CLASSES AND MAYBE A LOCAL DANCE CLASS. THAT TAKES UP ABOUT 4 HOURS TOTAL OF YOUR DAY, NOW WHAT.
WELL A GOOD WAY TO MAKE FRIENDS AND MONEY IS TO GET A JOB. NOT A JOB LIKE YOU PROBABLY JUST QUIT BACK IN THE STATES BUT A FUN ONE. MAYBE A SKILL YOU'VE OBTAINED THAT IS A HOT COMMODITY WHERE YOU ARE STAYING. MAYBE BAR TENDING AT ONE OF THE LOCAL DISCOS OR RENTING SURFBOARDS AT THE LOCAL BEACH. IT'S UP TO YOU I'VE FOUND WORKING WHILE TRAVELING IS A FUN WAY MEETING PEOPLE AND PRACTICING YOUR SKILLS. WORKING IN THE AUTO BODY BUSINESS FOR ALL MY LIFE, IVE PICKED UP A FEW TRICKS AND FOUND DOING IT WHEN NOT ON THE CLOCK IS ACTUALLY ENJOYABLE. THERE ARE OTHER WAYS TO MAKE MONEY SUCH AS BRINGING STUFF FROM YOUR COUNTRY TO THERES. BEFORE GOING ABROAD SEARCH THE NET FOR HOT PRODUCTS THEY WANT IN YOUR DESIRED DESTINATION, SIMPLY CONTACT A STORE THAT MAYBE ALREADY HAS THESE ITEMS AND ASK IF THEY WOULD LIKE FOR YOU TO BRING THEM WITH YOU. IN MY CASE I KNOW SOMEONE IN NAPOLI THAT SELLS KANYE WEST STYLE GLASSES FOR 20 EUROS. I GET THEM FOR 25 CENTS HE GETS THEM FOR 5 EUROS AND HE MAKES 15 EUROS. EVERYONE IS HAPPY. NOT BAD, USUALLY CAN PAY FOR YOUR TICKET THIS WAY. IN ARGENTINA IVE CONTACTED A SKATESHOP, I BRING SKATEBOARD WHEEL'S , WE SET A PRICE AND THE MORE I BRING THE MORE I MAKE. THESE DEALS ARE EVERYWHERE AS THE ECONOMY GOES DOWN THE TARIFFS AND TAXES GO UP, SO THEY WOULD BE MORE THEN GREAT FULL FOR YOU TO BRING STUFF WITH YOU. IN FACT MAYBE MAKING A LOCAL FRIEND AND WHILE YOUR AT PRACTICING THE LANGUAGE! PLEASE CHECK ALL LAWS IN THE COUNTRY YOU PLAN TO EXPORT TOO, SOMETHING LEGAL IN THE STATES COULD MEAN PRISON IN ANOTHER COUNTRY ![]() According to etnologue there are 6,809 languages on this earth being spoken, and nearly half of these languages are on there way to being extinct or are spoken in a jungle somewhere. Whether living in NYC or traveling abroad you will always find yourself somewhere some how lost in translation. How do you fix this, you can't but you can make a difference by learning basic's or learning the languages that most interest you. " I can't learn a language, I have a horrible memory, I just wasn't born to speak another language". 95% of you are saying this now. Let's break it down, language are sound's. If you can learn the english language before you were 5 years old what makes you think you can't learn one at 20 or 50? You can, in fact it will be easier! First and foremost you must have a genuine interest in the language you want to learn. A difficult language is one you have no interest in. In my case my family speaks italian, I want to share emotions and thoughts with them so I have a genuine interest. If you want to work in miami you best learn spanish. Language learning doesn't have to be a burden. if it is you won't learn it. When studying language in school i passed by the skin on my teeth. I dreaded going to class and did enough just to get by. So how did I learn to speak enough italian to express myself in just 3 months? Taking the most used words from the language and learning those first. About a thousand words make up 75% of the italian language. Not bad. 300 words are of almost 40% spoken everyday. Here are a list of 500 word's most spoken in the english language. How I did it. Start by learning these words in language you choose. Don't try to learn them all at once, set a goal maybe 10 a day. Then try to surround yourself whether by computer or work or socially with people speaking the language you desire. Get a phrase book for basic grammar and pronunciations. (i prefer Berlitz) Next time you watch a movie or tv show put the language you desire in subtitles. This has helped me distinguish when the word are used and in what manner. Be confident when trying to speak the language even if you know only 10 words Finally have fun with it. It is not a chore. Go to a spanish club or italian restaurant and try speaking to the employee's. If practiced intensively replacing 30 min. of tv with language a day you can learn 60% percent of any language, conversationally fluent in just about 3 months depending on your interest more or less. NOW GO, YOU CAN DO IT! This is your new blog post. Click here and start typing, or drag in elements from the top bar.
re·spon·si·ble- able to answer for one's conduct and obligations : trustworthy b : able to choose for oneself between right and wrong.
I can't help but laugh when this word comes out of someone's mouth. Maybe it's because I have no responsibilities or maybe it's because I know what will follow the word will be taken out of context. What is responsibility? Some will argue a new car, house, children, dog, stable job etc. Well actually 95% of the population. I beg to differ. Responsibility is what you want it to be without depending on others. Basically having clothes, shelter, food. These are your responsibilities and everything after is a luxury. Born in america, full of keep up with jones' mentality, I see why people would argue this statement. Let's look at it from another angle. If I personally bought a house or new car right now I would be irresponsible. Not because I can't afford it, but because I would be paying for something that's not necessary or worth while to someone in my position. Therefore I would be irresponsible to my lifestyle. If I stayed at the family business and worked for 50 hours just to own it one day and work 80 I would be irresponsible to my dreams or body. You see where I'm going? How do you know when your your being responsible and not just following someone else's idea of what responsibility is? When you are content with your life and the things in it at that very moment I suppose. With out harming yourself or others. Stay Fresh ![]() It's no secret I love wine. I'm not a wine snob or anything, but nothing beats a great meal with a glass or bottle of wine. My journey to Italy last summer gave me an opportunity to make wine "old school". One of my family members has a wine cellar 100 feet under ground that they insisted on showing me. "vienni" she said moving her car first to expose the cellar entrance. Walking down a spiral concrete staircase for what felt like forever opened up to a whole new world. 2,000 square feet with a 100 foot ceiling and one small light bulb that flickered on and off. I was hooked. The old school process of wine making makes a rough table wine. Im sure any connoisseur would cringe but for me its the best wine i had ever tasted. After all i made it! Here is the process in fast forward. First you need some quality grapes. White or red your choice. In Italy they pick their own but in america the supermarket sounds like a good idea. Use your judgement to figure out how many grapes you need for the amount of wine you want. Second you want everything the grapes are touching to be absolutely impeccably clean.My preference. Then you want to crush the grapes. Please restrain from the temptations jump in barefoot and start crushing like you've seen in the movies. This will only lead to itchy burning feet! I used a small rubbermaid container and a potato masher. after crushing the grapes let them sit for about a week this is my family's preference. Some families press them directly after crushing them. cover them with something light to keep out the elements. Now third, your going to press the crushed grapes. You need another container the same size as the last and a new clean pillow case. While you hold the pillow case open somebody will pour the crushed grapes in over the new container , twisting the pillow case until all of the juice is out of the grapes. Do this with all. My family does not, but if you like your wine with some punch there are ways to make it more potent by adding sugar. With a little research you can find charts showing how much sugar to how much alcohol content you would like. After you have pressed all of the grapes collect a few large water jugs and fill them with the juice and cap'em. Place in a warm area or outside if summer, and after 3 weeks or so pour from the jugs into smaller bottle to lesson sediment build up. Now after about a month this wine is ready to drink but nothing is better then last years wine. Now after all of this hard work which it is Enjoy with food friends and family. This is your new blog post. Click here and start typing, or drag in elements from the top bar.
![]() Approximately 44 million americans each year go on some kind of diet and spend 1-2 billion dollars annually on programs. What's the problem?Why are so many people in America having problems with weight loss? Im not a nutritionist but this is my theory. We go on "DIETS". The reason why so many people struggle is because we have a diet mentality. We eat what we want and one day go on a crash diet only to realize it's harder than we thought. This may work for a month or two but it's not healthy or sustainable. The trick is to not go on a diet plan but lifestyle plan. I have tested many ways to do so and these are my results.... This is your new blog post. Click here and start typing, or drag in elements from the top bar.
![]() Casa Robino is a house on the west side of the city of Amsterdam. Four months ago me and my cousin from Italy decided we wanted to visit Amsterdam but didn't have the cash to stay in a luxury hotel. One of my childhood friends happen to be in europe and he said he had stayed in a house called casa robino for free for 5 days. In 10 minutes time I located their website ( and was on the phone trying to arrange the stay. When I had called someone answered "casa" I said "hey a buddy of mine had recommended for me to call you and see if there was room available for me and my cousin to stay for a few days. She said without hesitation "sure there's a spot for you guys!" Enthusiastically said sign up to our website and post what dates your staying, she gave me the address and password and hung the phone up. My cousin asked me what happened I said i'm not really sure, chuckling. I finally said no we're good lets do it, my cousin had no idea what he was getting into. Five days later here we are in Amsterdam no plans but to get to Casa Robino. In the 5 days time from the phone call to flight I had misplaced the paper with the address, me being an optimist said "no big deal everyone there probably knows what casa robino is i'll just ask someone when we arrive". That just didn't go as planned, the first day we walked around trying different foods while looking for the casa and NOBODY knew anything about it, after 5 hours of this I said ok tonight we can rent a room in hostel or something and get a fresh start in the morning. He looked at me blanked face and said "no problema gary". Found a small little dump for 15 euros a night and woke up early. Finally using my head I asked a hotel if I could possibly use there computer for a moment and searched casa, got the number, same person answered. I said "hey my name is gary I had spoken to you 5 days ago and asked you if I could stay for a few days and you said sure no problem". She paused a minute, "hey yeah i remember. Where are you?" I lost the address and have been asking people where is Casa Robino? HAHA she laughed no nobody knows about it, here's the address just ring the doorbell and say @#$%^. Twenty minutes later we arrived, I think. I rang the doorbell not knowing what to expect, "who is it" "it's gary I just got off the phone with you" oh hey come on up 3rd floor. Walking up the rickety steps to the top I open the door and ahh home sweet home. I was immediately introduced to everyone and explained the "casa rules". The rules are no meat in the house. Everything else is up to you. Thats exactly what it was up to us, you come and go as you please hope to have a bed at night and treat the casa as if it were your own. You want the floor to be clean then vacuum your hungry cook, you don't lie the picture on the wall take it down and paint a new one. We stayed in the casa for nights the whole time in amsterdam and met some of the most interesting people, vagabonds, computer tech's, cooks and scholars. I had a blast and for anybody who loves to travel and has an open mind should check this place out, It's everything it says it is, sustainable living or travel in a house of interesting people. This is your new blog post. Click here and start typing, or drag in elements from the top bar.
![]() You want to stay or work in europe for more then 3 months but don't want to be on the next locked up abroad episode? Well your in luck at least in italy, other european countries as well but you will have to do your research. Thats right thanks to "jus sanguinis" you can legally become a citizen of europe without marriage. There are some qualifications that you must have but all in all it's not difficult to obtain. qualifications are: 1)Your father was an Italian citizen at the time of your birth and you never renounced your right to Italian citizenship. 2) Your mother was an Italian citizen at the time of your birth, you were born after January 1st, 1948 and you never renounced your right to Italian citizenship.3) Your father was born in your native country, your paternal grandfather was an Italian citizen at the time of your father's birth, neither you nor your father ever renounced your right to Italian citizenship. 4) Your mother was born in your native country, your maternal grandfather was an Italian citizen at the time of her birth, you were born after January 1, 1948 and neither you nor your mother ever renounced your right to Italian citizenship. 5) Your paternal or maternal grandfather was born in your native country, your paternal great grandfather was an Italian citizen at the time of his birth, neither you nor your father nor your grandfather ever renounced your right to Italian citizenship NOTE: A woman born before 01/01/1948 can claim the Italian citizenship only from her father and can transfer it to descendants after 01/01/1948). NOTE: "Italian citizen at the time of birth" means that he/she did not acquire any other citizenship through naturalization, before the descendant's birth. NOTE: Ancestors naturalized before July 1st 1912 cannot transmit citizenship (Law n. 555 of June 13, 1912)IT MAY TAKE UP TO 18 MONTHS TO OBTAIN AFTER PROCESS IS COMPLETE, BUT ONCE A CITIZEN ALWAYS A CITIZENABOVE CONTENT COURTESY OF THEY SEEM TO HAVE A GOOD SERVICE TO HELP YOU THROUGH FROM START TO FINISH ![]() When I say stay connected I DON'T mean carry a crackberry or netbook everywhere you go. Simply I mean keep in touch with the people in your life that matter the most. You know who they are 2 or 3 friends and family. When traveling or at home make a small mental note that every week or month you call those people that are closest to you and touch base. These are the people who will always be there and support you in whatever you do. To me it's sad to see people treat their friends and family as props. That hunting or fishing trip your father wants to go on but you have no time because you are too busy or have no interest- do it. Go to that play with your mom or grandma. Spend sometime with them and who knows you may love it. For example I hang out with people that have different interests and hobbies because I like to try new things. Go into everything with an open mind and analyze it later. I didn't like everything that I've tried in my life , but I'm sure I've never loved anything I haven't tried either. This is your new blog post. Click here and start typing, or drag in elements from the top bar.
![]() To me skateboarding has always been more of an art or therapy than an action sport. I was born a very hyper child always getting into everything. Always questioning authority and trying to be the alpha male of my surroundings. I found a constructive outlet of this testosterone through skateboarding. I started skateboarding when I was 7 years old and I guess just never really stopped. On my travels around the world my skateboard is sometimes my best friend. Alone in a foreign places sometimes leads to depression or feeling of obvious solitude but my skateboard was always there. I could express my feelings and thoughts through skateboarding using my creativity to learn new tricks to stimulate my mind, or simply to get around. It is acceptable for carry on with almost every airline making it easy to pack. In any case I am a true adrenaline junkie and without it I think I would go crazy. If you're not a skateboarder or dare devil at all that's fine, I've met people who always need a sketch book or guitar even. The best part is you pick your poison . |