HOW I MADE THOUSANDS WITH $800 DOLLARS. Alright if you haven't figured me out yet i do things a little sideways. So i found myself with no job no money left with ambition and some ideas. As a child while skateboarding i would find myself behind stores where the traffic was much less then the parking lot its self. Once and a while i would notice that the employees were throwing out some pretty cool stuff. My child curiosity soon had my head inside the dumpster and before long right inside it. I would pull out all sorts of things, But not what you think. Still in the package brand new no defects.
Why do they throw out all of this stuff i asked the employee one day. He said "we don't have the room to keep it here, If we over stock something we have no choice but to throw it out". My mind started racing if this place threw stuff out im sure everyone does! This thought was short lived and didn't hit me again until a couple of years ago when i was out a job. Ok rewind, i have no money no job lets think like a kid again! I grabbed a buddy of mine that was also out a job and we put our minds together. How can we make it lucrative? Then it hit me first thing we will need is a pick up truck, something crappy and cheap. A mechanic i knew was selling a 1986 pickup truck for 800, without hesitation i buy it. spray paint it flat black to be stealthy and we were ready.
Now we wanted to start this thing with no money out of pocket and came to the conclusion the stuff we buy we will post on craigslist and ebay. First problem we had no money in the paypal account in order to sell stuff on ebay we need money in the account. So we took the truck out to see what we could find and sell on craigslist first which is free then take the money from that and put it in our paypal account. So what did we find? first 10 minutes out no exaggeration we find a brand new file cabinet in the dumpster still in the box. Excited we go back to the house post it on craigslist and literally 2 hours later we made 100 bucks. I deposited the cash into my bank account and transferred it to paypal , we were in business we had enough to set up a store for 15$ a month and pay for listing fees and postage.
Now excited as a pigs in shit we go back out , drinking coffee listening to music talking having fun! We found a full truck load the first night! When we got home we went through the stuff and 90 percent was still in the box! We stored everything out side in an old shed, went through it and wrote down everything we wanted to sell in a note book took pictures and we began posting. Before we knew it we had 30 high priced items posted, coffee machines,microwaves,shower heads, office chairs. We listed everything for 5 days. 90 percent of the stuff we had posted sold! one day we made 700$ in an hour. So now we were making money. How can we make this money into more money. At the time i was reading a lot about hard assets gold silver platinum ect. So we found a dealer online and used paypal to buy it. A week later we had the shiny medal in our hands and we were hooked. Silver is now around 20 dollars an ounce when we were buying it it was around 8 dollars and ounce.
After research we were confident and decided to buy silver with every dollar we made from the business and set up a safety deposit box in the bank. Now we were making money from nothing doubling it and do it again. In the process we gave all items that we didn't or couldn't sell to charity, we were recycling and sometimes had garage sales on weekends for some pocket money. We worked a total of 7 hours per week and were gaining liquid interest from the investment and knowledge of business everyday. I junked the half dead pick up truck for metal and got $400 hundred back. In the beginning i set a goal that i wanted enough to sell half my investments put half of that into another investment and wanted to take a nice little mini retirement.
Starting in florida for a month and heading to europe for 3. When i returned my investment peaked out and started were i left off. So for everyone who is sitting around complaining that they weren't given a silver spoon should re-evaluate their situation and act instead of just complaining. I think this is a perfect example of how action can take you from nothing to something.
So take those crazy idea's and get to- work play the game of life.
Why do they throw out all of this stuff i asked the employee one day. He said "we don't have the room to keep it here, If we over stock something we have no choice but to throw it out". My mind started racing if this place threw stuff out im sure everyone does! This thought was short lived and didn't hit me again until a couple of years ago when i was out a job. Ok rewind, i have no money no job lets think like a kid again! I grabbed a buddy of mine that was also out a job and we put our minds together. How can we make it lucrative? Then it hit me first thing we will need is a pick up truck, something crappy and cheap. A mechanic i knew was selling a 1986 pickup truck for 800, without hesitation i buy it. spray paint it flat black to be stealthy and we were ready.
Now we wanted to start this thing with no money out of pocket and came to the conclusion the stuff we buy we will post on craigslist and ebay. First problem we had no money in the paypal account in order to sell stuff on ebay we need money in the account. So we took the truck out to see what we could find and sell on craigslist first which is free then take the money from that and put it in our paypal account. So what did we find? first 10 minutes out no exaggeration we find a brand new file cabinet in the dumpster still in the box. Excited we go back to the house post it on craigslist and literally 2 hours later we made 100 bucks. I deposited the cash into my bank account and transferred it to paypal , we were in business we had enough to set up a store for 15$ a month and pay for listing fees and postage.
Now excited as a pigs in shit we go back out , drinking coffee listening to music talking having fun! We found a full truck load the first night! When we got home we went through the stuff and 90 percent was still in the box! We stored everything out side in an old shed, went through it and wrote down everything we wanted to sell in a note book took pictures and we began posting. Before we knew it we had 30 high priced items posted, coffee machines,microwaves,shower heads, office chairs. We listed everything for 5 days. 90 percent of the stuff we had posted sold! one day we made 700$ in an hour. So now we were making money. How can we make this money into more money. At the time i was reading a lot about hard assets gold silver platinum ect. So we found a dealer online and used paypal to buy it. A week later we had the shiny medal in our hands and we were hooked. Silver is now around 20 dollars an ounce when we were buying it it was around 8 dollars and ounce.
After research we were confident and decided to buy silver with every dollar we made from the business and set up a safety deposit box in the bank. Now we were making money from nothing doubling it and do it again. In the process we gave all items that we didn't or couldn't sell to charity, we were recycling and sometimes had garage sales on weekends for some pocket money. We worked a total of 7 hours per week and were gaining liquid interest from the investment and knowledge of business everyday. I junked the half dead pick up truck for metal and got $400 hundred back. In the beginning i set a goal that i wanted enough to sell half my investments put half of that into another investment and wanted to take a nice little mini retirement.
Starting in florida for a month and heading to europe for 3. When i returned my investment peaked out and started were i left off. So for everyone who is sitting around complaining that they weren't given a silver spoon should re-evaluate their situation and act instead of just complaining. I think this is a perfect example of how action can take you from nothing to something.
So take those crazy idea's and get to- work play the game of life.