Finding myself in an awkward situation i didn't know why or what it was about the beautiful read head in the corner of the room, i just knew it wasn't right...(Back Left Under Exit Sign)
It started the second I walked into the room and saw her. Delivering Happiness Happy Hour in the Trump SOHO was the event. A beautiful read haired paled skinned woman starring directly in my eyes. In any other case there would be nothing wrong with this, but this occasion was entirely different. As I looked into her eyes I didn't see what everyone else was seeing and it gave me an uneasy feeling in my stomach. As guys started flocking to this girl I couldn't resist to stand there and stare, I told my friend Holly that this girl is up to something no good. I said these guys all around her dont even see it but I think she's looking for something other then a date. This hunch went on all night, was it a bullshit or intuition. How do you judge the difference? If i let the left side of my brain run the show that night I would have found myself fighting over her with every other guy in the room. After telling too many random people in the room my feeling I eventually wrote the intuition off as an insecurity I was having, having nothing in common with the people in the room. After the event she faded in my mind and 2 weeks later the USA charged a women with espionage. There she was on my T.V.! I couldn't believe my eyes . I mean was it really her? The next day I got two emails from two sepperate people with this artical attached to it. saying "A Russian Spy At DH Launch Party?". Now "gut feeling", what is it and how do we seperate it from fear, irrational thinking?. You dont. You dont have too because it's an emotion. When you think something is not right we've all learned very young that 99.9% of the time something is wrong. So why do people fight there intuition. Why do you question your gut when you get a feeling and try to rationalize it? My guess is because it's convenient. Stop rationalizing things and act on gut feeling's more, they will take you were you want to go and guarantee happiness. I truly believe In anything other than investments your gut should always have a say. My gut is my boss, when it feels good I feel good and vise versa. If you think your job is a dead end, guess what it probably is. If you think your girlfriend is cheating on you guess what she probably is. In any case your intuition always runs supreme. Listen to yourself and you will stay happier and healthier. Stop rationalizing all of the feelings you have because they might be inconvenient at that time. Live!
P.S. Do What You Really Want To Do period
P.S. Do What You Really Want To Do period