This has always been a strong belief of mine, from the way i dress to the way i invest.
The fact is 5% of the population owns and controls 95% of the world. This shouldn't go in one ear and out the other. Whether you want that special girl to notice you, or that interview to be successful you need to think outside the box. That kid in the bar with the funny hat and all the girls is no accident....
The fact is 5% of the population owns and controls 95% of the world. This shouldn't go in one ear and out the other. Whether you want that special girl to notice you, or that interview to be successful you need to think outside the box. That kid in the bar with the funny hat and all the girls is no accident....
Some people are born with this way of creative thinking and some need to practice but everybody is capable. Sounds risky? Well it's not, it is the total opposite. Competition is guaranteed to be cut by 95%. Let's look at following " life plan" , school ,more school,work,retire. Now let's look at starting a business retiring, working,retiring and so on. Ok, i know it sounds safer to take the first route but is it really? Hundreds of thousands of people go to school everyday learning from the same book's,then after seeking a job in the same field. The competition is enough to make anybody stress.
The people that are in society known as "risk taker's" have a much smaller competition especially after dislocating from a market into a niche' market. Which is riskier? If you want to change the world great, but you don't need to. Let's look and see how easy money making can be. The internet is a wonderful thing connecting billions of people at your finger tips. This is a new world and unless you take advantage of it you will be left in the dust. First you want to figure out what you want. I don't mean with your life, i mean rite now.
For example rite now i want a nice apartment in manhattan. The rent is $1600 a month utilities another $200 and food and subway another $200, thats $2,000, or 500 a week. Not too bad, First of all i would be getting rid of my car it's gas and insurance so i will save money there let's say $900 a month now i only need 1100 more. I find a manufacturer of buckwheat pillows on, I can get the pillow's manufactured for $12 american dollars , after shipping im in $18. I make a website for it lets say buckwheat, and build it myself. sell each pillow for $100 dollars, sign up with google addword and sell 12 pillows a week. Out of 330,000,000 million people in the us alone i need to sell this comfy ass pillow to 12 every 7 days to get my apartment, very doable.
This is just an example you don't need to sell millions of units and be on the top 500 ceo list to live a life of luxury , you just need to do the math and step outside the herd where the grass is free to graze. Think like a child. Go back to all the hobbies you ever had and start to think of a product you can manufacture in that market. I know people who have made millions just manufacturing the four nuts and bolts on a skateboard. Have fun with it, skip two weekends with friends save some cash and take a "chance". If you fail so what thats a good start, learn from what you've done wrong and do something else. Keep small goals in mind and take it one step at a time, this way nothing feel's impossible.
I am a not telling you school is for dummies . In fact school is a great way to network or learn a craft you are passionate about. I just don't believe in going to school because that is what everyones doing. Simply implying its not for everyone and not going does not have to be your downfall.
The people that are in society known as "risk taker's" have a much smaller competition especially after dislocating from a market into a niche' market. Which is riskier? If you want to change the world great, but you don't need to. Let's look and see how easy money making can be. The internet is a wonderful thing connecting billions of people at your finger tips. This is a new world and unless you take advantage of it you will be left in the dust. First you want to figure out what you want. I don't mean with your life, i mean rite now.
For example rite now i want a nice apartment in manhattan. The rent is $1600 a month utilities another $200 and food and subway another $200, thats $2,000, or 500 a week. Not too bad, First of all i would be getting rid of my car it's gas and insurance so i will save money there let's say $900 a month now i only need 1100 more. I find a manufacturer of buckwheat pillows on, I can get the pillow's manufactured for $12 american dollars , after shipping im in $18. I make a website for it lets say buckwheat, and build it myself. sell each pillow for $100 dollars, sign up with google addword and sell 12 pillows a week. Out of 330,000,000 million people in the us alone i need to sell this comfy ass pillow to 12 every 7 days to get my apartment, very doable.
This is just an example you don't need to sell millions of units and be on the top 500 ceo list to live a life of luxury , you just need to do the math and step outside the herd where the grass is free to graze. Think like a child. Go back to all the hobbies you ever had and start to think of a product you can manufacture in that market. I know people who have made millions just manufacturing the four nuts and bolts on a skateboard. Have fun with it, skip two weekends with friends save some cash and take a "chance". If you fail so what thats a good start, learn from what you've done wrong and do something else. Keep small goals in mind and take it one step at a time, this way nothing feel's impossible.
I am a not telling you school is for dummies . In fact school is a great way to network or learn a craft you are passionate about. I just don't believe in going to school because that is what everyones doing. Simply implying its not for everyone and not going does not have to be your downfall.