Let's get one thing straight, Im not a bohemian activist or some hippy telling you sell all your stuff you've worked hard for and hit the road with a loaf of bread and a can of beans. In fact I have very expensive taste and love living in luxury as much as the next new yorker. Im just saying if your worst fear is to be broke and flat on your ass why not try it out, why not see if it's really your worst fear and try to over come it. OK where am i going with this?It's simple! Pretend like you are poor for a short period of time let's say a week and see if you can do it.
Don't convince yourself your acting poor because you didn't buy that rolex you saw in the window or those new rims for your car, genuinely do it. Try things such as for one week i won't use the computer, cell phone, tv and only eating food my body really need's. If you are still home while doing this I would find it very hard to take this seriously while my friends are asking me to go to the club or out to dinner. I think the best approach at this would be to pack up a backpack maybe 3-4 days worth of clothes and pick somewhere you want to go. Leave the cell phone home the laptop and all the goodies in your house you think you need. You will find that first of all , it's liberating to know you can live just fine without it. You will also realize it feels really good to not have everything hanging over your head. Please do not let this lifestyle take over it is easily done and could just lead to path of destruction and random life long wandering.
For example when i plan a trip for some liberation i would pack a small carry on backpack , have a message on my cell phone that i will be out of town. Sometimes selling my car , and other things i will not be needing on foreign soil. When i return i am a new man looking at things in a whole new perspective. Why not try and start that business with my life savings, i can live with out anything, in fact i like it. Don't use it as an excuse to stop trying to better yourself, use it as an excuse to try and better yourself. If your worst fear is failure and you want to be an entrepreneur you'd better get used to it. The more failures you have the more successful you will be it's just a matter of taking the chance over and over again! So this summer when you have a week off of your 9-5 book a flight. Not of luxury of dirty low maintenance good old fashion adventure.
After all what is there to be scared of after failure?
Try using or they have cheap flight's and are random as hell just pick a place and don't think to much. Try going with an empty bag and some necessities, what you need is usually cheap over seas. Have an open mind and everything will work out fine.
Good luck !
Don't convince yourself your acting poor because you didn't buy that rolex you saw in the window or those new rims for your car, genuinely do it. Try things such as for one week i won't use the computer, cell phone, tv and only eating food my body really need's. If you are still home while doing this I would find it very hard to take this seriously while my friends are asking me to go to the club or out to dinner. I think the best approach at this would be to pack up a backpack maybe 3-4 days worth of clothes and pick somewhere you want to go. Leave the cell phone home the laptop and all the goodies in your house you think you need. You will find that first of all , it's liberating to know you can live just fine without it. You will also realize it feels really good to not have everything hanging over your head. Please do not let this lifestyle take over it is easily done and could just lead to path of destruction and random life long wandering.
For example when i plan a trip for some liberation i would pack a small carry on backpack , have a message on my cell phone that i will be out of town. Sometimes selling my car , and other things i will not be needing on foreign soil. When i return i am a new man looking at things in a whole new perspective. Why not try and start that business with my life savings, i can live with out anything, in fact i like it. Don't use it as an excuse to stop trying to better yourself, use it as an excuse to try and better yourself. If your worst fear is failure and you want to be an entrepreneur you'd better get used to it. The more failures you have the more successful you will be it's just a matter of taking the chance over and over again! So this summer when you have a week off of your 9-5 book a flight. Not of luxury of dirty low maintenance good old fashion adventure.
After all what is there to be scared of after failure?
Try using or they have cheap flight's and are random as hell just pick a place and don't think to much. Try going with an empty bag and some necessities, what you need is usually cheap over seas. Have an open mind and everything will work out fine.
Good luck !