Your not happy about where you are in your life. Either your having problems in your personal life or feel your just not accomplishing anything in your professional life. So you get this idea in your head if i run far away from everything all of my problems will disapear.....
Then you run away and all of your problems are still there or worse. Why didn't getting away from it all set you free from this burden inside you? It's pretty simple, because your running away with your worst enemy, you! What makes you think running away with the person who is causing all of these problems will make the problems go away.
So running away wont solve anything but being idle won't either. You need to first find out where these problems are coming from and hit them head on. In my case it was deadly procrastination that i was battling. So i needed to find the source. I never had an end in mind or a specific goal to strive towards. Always putting everything off to the last minute, or coming up with all of these money generating ideas and not knowing where to start so i would just quit. Frustrated with my behavior i took off, sure that my genie would come out of his magic lamp and i would be given everything i wanted. Oh how wrong i was.
So i found out, no one act will cure all your problems. I needed to deal with this. I started Managing my time and setting goals. You should set a goal, write them down, talk about them ,carry a note in your pocket do everything you can to stay focused. One goal at a time. Don't set 50 goals and don't make the end of the goal to far away or you will get bored. Back to the night when you finished that project you had in school in 3 hours , when you had a year to complete it.
Some of you will be lucky enough to focus no matter where you are and some need a controlled environment to keep on track, only you can distinguish.
When setting your goal:
Make them fun and be genuine
Don't just say i want to be a doctor because you think they make a lot of money this will get old.
Make short goals: maybe you want to start your own website or get your own place or learn how to play the piano. Your decisions don't have to be permanent have fun with it.
Keep it manageable and reward yourself when complete. ..... Always reward yourself!!!
If you don't who will?
So running away wont solve anything but being idle won't either. You need to first find out where these problems are coming from and hit them head on. In my case it was deadly procrastination that i was battling. So i needed to find the source. I never had an end in mind or a specific goal to strive towards. Always putting everything off to the last minute, or coming up with all of these money generating ideas and not knowing where to start so i would just quit. Frustrated with my behavior i took off, sure that my genie would come out of his magic lamp and i would be given everything i wanted. Oh how wrong i was.
So i found out, no one act will cure all your problems. I needed to deal with this. I started Managing my time and setting goals. You should set a goal, write them down, talk about them ,carry a note in your pocket do everything you can to stay focused. One goal at a time. Don't set 50 goals and don't make the end of the goal to far away or you will get bored. Back to the night when you finished that project you had in school in 3 hours , when you had a year to complete it.
Some of you will be lucky enough to focus no matter where you are and some need a controlled environment to keep on track, only you can distinguish.
When setting your goal:
Make them fun and be genuine
Don't just say i want to be a doctor because you think they make a lot of money this will get old.
Make short goals: maybe you want to start your own website or get your own place or learn how to play the piano. Your decisions don't have to be permanent have fun with it.
Keep it manageable and reward yourself when complete. ..... Always reward yourself!!!
If you don't who will?