When I say stay connected I DON'T mean carry a crackberry or netbook everywhere you go. Simply I mean keep in touch with the people in your life that matter the most. You know who they are 2 or 3 friends and family. When traveling or at home make a small mental note that every week or month you call those people that are closest to you and touch base. These are the people who will always be there and support you in whatever you do. To me it's sad to see people treat their friends and family as props. That hunting or fishing trip your father wants to go on but you have no time because you are too busy or have no interest- do it. Go to that play with your mom or grandma. Spend sometime with them and who knows you may love it. For example I hang out with people that have different interests and hobbies because I like to try new things. Go into everything with an open mind and analyze it later. I didn't like everything that I've tried in my life , but I'm sure I've never loved anything I haven't tried either.
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