With a website garymisner.com you may think i take my name very seriously. I really don't, in fact i used to take my name seriously until i found out it just led to doing things i really didn't want to do. Trying to please the my name and not cause harm to it made me realize really what the !@#$ does it all mean!?!?!?....
Growing up I'm sure you your parents and peers have all said at least once , that if you do something you will tarnish your name. That if you do one thing , that forever you will be known for this act, and that you may even make someone else look bad! When really one positive thing you do will diminish 10 negative things. If you go through life always worrying about your name and what people think of it you will lead a very boring normal and sad life.
I know because first i was living it, and it took sometime for everyone to get used to it but now i have a family that would support me through anything i do. If you don't put your foot down you will be living your life to your so called standards that everyone else feels you must fill. I heard someone say a while back that the sure shot way to be unhappy is to make everyone else happy. This is so true how many time have you found yourself trying to please everyone else but in the mean time you your self is so unhappy. What is the point of it all in the end you are yourself and these people you are trying to impress will be nothing but a memory at most.
So start pissing people off , say no to things you don't want to do and always keep your feeling in mind as well. Your name is a name you've been given it at birth, But the obligations that come with it can be changed you don't need to follow the path your name has given you.
Stop taking everything so seriously and go have some fun .
I know because first i was living it, and it took sometime for everyone to get used to it but now i have a family that would support me through anything i do. If you don't put your foot down you will be living your life to your so called standards that everyone else feels you must fill. I heard someone say a while back that the sure shot way to be unhappy is to make everyone else happy. This is so true how many time have you found yourself trying to please everyone else but in the mean time you your self is so unhappy. What is the point of it all in the end you are yourself and these people you are trying to impress will be nothing but a memory at most.
So start pissing people off , say no to things you don't want to do and always keep your feeling in mind as well. Your name is a name you've been given it at birth, But the obligations that come with it can be changed you don't need to follow the path your name has given you.
Stop taking everything so seriously and go have some fun .